Publicaciones de Biomasa en los últimos años

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Artículos en Revistas Científicas:

SCORDIA, Danilo, Eleni G. PAPAZOGLOU, Dani KOTOULA, Marina SANZ, Carlos S. CIRIA, Javier PÉREZ, Oksana MALIARENKO, Oleh PRYSIAZHNIUK, Moritz VON COSSEL, Beatrice E. GREINER, Dagnija LAZDINA, Kristaps MAKOVSKIS, Isabelle LAMY, Lisa CIADAMIDARO, Lucas PETIT-DIT-GREZERIAT, Sebastiano A. CORINZIA, Ana L. FERNANDO, Efthymia ALEXOPOULOU, L. Cosentino SALVATORE, Towards identifying industrial crop type and associated agronomy to improve biomass production from marginal lands in Europe. En: GCB-Bioenergy, 2022, 00, 1-25. 
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PANOUTSOU, Calliope, Moritz VON COSSEL, Pilar CIRIA, Carlos S. CIRIA, Przemyslaw BARANIECKI, Andrea MONTI, Federica ZANETTI, Jean Luc DUBOIS, Social considerations for the cultivation of industrial crops in marginal land as feedstock for bioeconomy. En: Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining (Biofpr), 2022. 
Disponible en DOI: 10.1002/bbb.2376

MEIJNINGER, Wouter, Berien ELBERSEN, Michiel van EUPEN, Stephan MANTEL, Pilar CIRIA, Andrea PARENTI, Marina SANZ Gallego, Paloma PEREZ ORTIZ, Marco ACCIAI, Andrea MONTI, Identification of early abandonment in cropland through radar-based coherence data and application of a  Random- Forest model. En: GCB Bioenergy, 2022, 00, 1-21.
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CELMA, Santa, SANZ, Marina, CIRIA, Pilar, MALIARENKO, Oksana, PRYSIAZHNIUK, Oleh, DAUGAVIETE, Mudrite,  LAZDINA, Dagnija, von COSSEL, Moritz. Yield Performance of Woody Crops on Marginal Agricultural Land in Latvia, Spain and Ukraine. En: Agronomy,  2022, vol.12,n. 4, 908. 
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ZEGADA-LIZARAZU, Walter, João L. N. CARVALHO, Andrea PARENTI, Sarah TENELLI, Carlos MARTÍN SASTRE, Pilar CIRIA, Myrsini CHRISTOU, Alexopoulou EFTHYMIA, Antonio BONOMI, Andrea MONTI, The effects of integrated food and bioenergy cropping systems on crop yields, soil health, and biomass quality: The EU and Brazilian experience. En: GCB Bioenergy, 2022, 00, 1-17
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BARRO, Ruth, Rocío CORTÉS, Javier PÉREZ, Carlos S. CIRIA, Miguel FERNÁNDEZ, Pilar CIRIA, Nitrogen fertilisation and harvest time on biomass production and composition of tall wheatgrass in Mediterranean marginal conditions. En:  Biomass and Bioenergy, 2022, vol. 158, 106382. 
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FERNÁNDEZ, Miguel J. , Veronika CHALOUPKOVÁ , Ruth BARRO, Water leaching of herbaceous biomass bales to reduce sintering and corrosion. En: Fuel, 2022, vol.312, 122744.
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BADOS Raquel, Luis Saúl ESTEBAN, Jessica ESTEBAN, Alfredo FERNÁNDEZ-LANDA, Tomás SÁNCHEZ, Eduardo TOLOSANA. Biomass equations for rockrose (Cistus laurifolius L.) shrublands in North-central Spain. En: Forest systems, 2021, vol. 30, n. 3.
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XAVIER, V., FINIMUNDY, T.C., HELENO, S.A., AMARAL, J.S., CALHELHA, R.C., VAZ, J., PIRES, T.C.S.P., MEDIAVILLA, I., ESTEBAN, L.S., FERREIRA, I.C.F.R., BARROS, L. Chemical and Bioactive Characterization of the Essential Oils Obtained from Three Mediterranean Plants. En: Molecules, 2021, vol. 26, 7472.
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TOLOSANA, Eduardo, Raquel BADOS, Rubén LAINA, Narcis M. BACESCU, Teresa de la FUENTE. Forest Biomass Collection from Systematic Mulching on Post-Fire Pine Regeneration with BioBaler WB55: Productivity, Cost and Comparison with a Conventional Treatment. En: Forests, 2021, vol.12, 979.
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PÉREZ, Paloma,  Ruth BARRO, Javier PÉREZ, Miguel J. FERNÁNDEZ, Amelia MOYANO, Pilar CIRIA. Nutrient Release through Litterfall in Short Rotation Poplar Crops in Mediterranean Marginal Land. En: Forests, 2021, vol.12, 1185.
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MEDIAVILLA, Irene, Eva GUILLAMÓN, Alex RUIZ, Luis Saúl ESTEBAN. Essential oils from residual foliage of forest tree and shrub species: yield and antioxidant capacity. En: Molecules, 2021, vol. 26, 3257.
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MARTÍN SASTRE, Carlos, Ruth BARRO, Yolanda GONZÁLEZ-ARECHAVALA, Ana SANTOS-MONTES and Pilar CIRIA. Life Cycle Assessment and Soil Nitrogen Balance of Different N Fertilizers for Top Dressing Rye as Energy Crop for Electricity Generation. En Agronomy, 2021, vol. 11, 844.
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MEDIAVILLA, Irene, María Amparo BLÁZQUEZ,  Alex RUIZ , Luis Saúl ESTEBAN. Infuence of the storage of Cistus ladanifer L. bales from mechanised harvesting on the essential oil yield and qualitative composition. En: Molecules, 2021,     vol. 26, 2379.
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PARENTI, Andrea,  Giovanni CAPPELLI, Walter ZEGADA-LIZARAZU,  Carlos MARTÍN SASTRE,  Myrsini CHRISTOU, Andrea MONTI,  Fabrizio GINALDI.  SunnGro: A new crop model for the simulation of sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea L.) grown under alternative management practices. En Biomass and Bioenergy, 2021, vol. 146, 105975.
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CIRIA, Carlos S., Ruth BARRO, Marina SANZ, Pilar CIRIA. Long-Term Yield and Quality Performance of Perennial Energy Grasses (Agropyron spp.) on Marginal Land. En: Agronomy, 2020, vol. 10.
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PÉREZ-CAMPOS, Rafael, José FAYOS-FERNÁNDEZ, Antonio José LOZANO-GUERRERO, Antonio MARTÍNEZ-GONZÁLEZ, Juan MONZÓ-CABRERA, Irene MEDIAVILLA, David PEÑA-CARRO and Luis Saúl ESTEBAN-PASCUAL, Permittivity Measurements for Cypress and Rockrose Biomass Versus Temperature, Density,  and Moisture Content. En: Sensors, 2020, vol. 20.
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MEDIAVILLA I., Miguel J. FERNÁNDEZ, Ruth BARRO, Elena BORJABAD, Raquel BADOS, Luis S. ESTEBAN. Effect of mechanical harvesting on the chemical composition and combustion behaviour of shrub biomass. En: Energy, 2020, vol. 204, 117928.
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PÉREZ LÓPEZ, V., E. BORJABAD GARCÍA, D. PEÑA CARRO, R. RAMOS CASADO, L.S. ESTEBAN PASCUAL. Alternativa energética para lodos de depuradora (proyecto LIFE-DRY4GAS). En: Industria Química, marzo 2020, pp. 28-33.

MEDIAVILLA, Irene, Ruth BARRO, Elena BORJABAD, David PEÑA, Miguel J. FERNÁNDEZ. Quality of olive stone as a fuel: Influence of oil content on combustion process. En: Renewable  Energy, 2020, vol. 160, pp. 374-384.
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BADOS, Raquel, TOLOSANA, Eduardo, ESTEBAN, Luis Saúl. Evaluation of a Harvester-Baler System Operating in a Rockrose (Cistus laurifolius L.) Shrubland. En: CROJFE, 2020, vol. 41, n. 2.
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CIRIA, Carlos S. Carlos M. SASTRE, Juan CARRASCO, Pilar CIRIA. Tall wheatgrass (Thinopyrum ponticum (Podp)) in a real farm context, a sustainable perennial alternative to rye (Secale cereale L.) cultivation in marginal lands. En:  Industrial Crops and Products, 2020, vol. 146
FERNÁNDEZ, M.J., R. BARRO, J. PÉREZ, P. CIRIA. Production and composition of biomass from short rotation coppice in marginal land: A 9-year study. En: Biomass & Bioenergy, 2020, vol. 134
ORTIZ, I, M. MAROÑO, Y. TORREIRO, J. M. SÁNCHEZ-HERVÁS, M. FERNANDEZ & R. PIÑEIRO. Strategy for the Design of Waste to Energy Processes Based on Physicochemical Characterisation. En:  Waste and Biomass Valorization , 2019, vol. 11, pp. 2961-2971. 
FERNÁNDEZ,  Miguel J., Irene MEDIAVILLA, Ruth BARRO, Elena BORJABAD, Raquel RAMOS, Juan E. CARRASCO. Sintering reduction of herbaceous biomass when blended with woody biomass: predictive and combustion tests. En: Fuel, 2019, vol. 239
CIRIA, Carlos S., Marina SANZ, Juan CARRASCO and Pilar CIRIA. Identification of arable marginal lands under rainfed conditions for bioenergy purposes in Spain. En: Sustainability, 2019, vol. 11
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COSSEL, Moritz Von, Iris LEWANDOWSKI, Berien ELBERSEN , Igor STARITSKY, Michiel Van EUPEN, Yasir IQBAL, Stefan MANTEL, Danilo SCORDIA, Giorgio TESTA, Salvatore Luciano COSENTINO, Oksana MALIARENKO, Ioannis ELEFTHERIADIS, Federica ZANETTI, Andrea MONTI, Dagnija LAZDINA, Santa NEIMANE, Isabelle LAMY, Lisa CIADAMIDARO, Marina SANZ, Juan Esteban CARRASCO, Pilar CIRIA, Ian McCALLUM, Luisa M. TRINDADE, Eibertus N. Van LOO, Wolter ELBERSEN, Ana Luisa FERNANDO, Eleni G. PAPAZOGLOU and Efthymia ALEXOPOULOU. Marginal Agricultural Land Low-Input Systems for Biomass Production. En: Energies, 2019, vol. 12.
MEDIAVILLA, Irene, Elena BORJABAD, Miguel J. FERNÁNDEZ, Raquel RAMOS, Paloma PÉREZ, Raquel BADOS, Juan E. CARRASCO, Luis S. ESTEBAN. Biofuels from broom clearings: Production and combustion in commercial boilers. En: Energy, 2017, vol. 141, pp. 1845-1856.
GONZÁLEZ-GONZÁLEZ, Borja D., Hortensia SIXTO, Iciar ALBERDI, Luis ESTEBAN, Silvia GUERRERO, María PASALODOS, Antonio VÁZQUEZ, Isabel CAÑELLAS. Estimation of shrub biomass availability along two geographical transects in the Iberian Peninsula for energy purposes. En: Biomass & Bioenergy, 2017, vol. 105, pp. 211-218.
SASTRE, Carlos M., Juan CARRASCO, Ruth BARRO, Yolanda GONZÁLEZ-ARECHAVALA, Emiliano MALETTA, Ana M. SANTOS, Pilar CIRIA. Improving bioenergy sustainability evaluations by using soil nitrogen balance coupled with life cycle assessment: A case study for electricity generated from rye biomass. En: Applied Energy, 2016, vol. 179, pp. 847-863.
FERNÁNDEZ, M.J., R. BARRO, J. PÉREZ, J. LOSADA, P. CIRIA. Influence of the agricultural management practices on the yield and quality of poplar biomass (a 9-year study). En: Biomass & Bioenergy, 2016, vol. 97, pp. 87-96.
SIXTO, Hortensia, Paula M. GIL, Pilar CIRIA, Francesc CAMPS, Isabel CAÑELLAS, Jordi VOLTAS. Interpreting genotype by environment interaction for biomass prosuction in hybrid poplas under short rotation coppice in Mediterranean environments. En: Global Change Biology-Bioenergy, vol. 8, n. 6, pp. 1124-1135.
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CASTELLANO, J.M., M. GÓMEZ, M. FERNÁNDEZ, L.S. ESTEBAN, J.E. CARRASCO. Study on the effects of raw materials composition and pelletization conditions on the quality and properties of pellets obtained from different woody and non woody biomasses. En: Fuel, 2015, vol. 139, pp. 629-636.
SIXTO, Hortensia, Isabel CAÑELLAS, Joost van ARENDONK, Pilar CIRIA, Frances CAMPS, Mario SÁNCHEZ, Mariola SÁNCHEZ-GONZÁLEZ. Growth potential of different species and genotypes for biomass production in short rotation in Mediterranean environments. En: Forest Ecology and Management, 2015, vol. 354, pp. 291-299.