Israel Herrera - ASE
Israel Herrera Orozco is Researcher of the Energy System Analysis Unit at the Enegy department in CIEMAT. B.Sc (1997) and PhD (2004) on Chemical Engineering, with emphasis on environmental assessment, by the Industrial University of Santander (Colombia) and Rovira & Virgili University (Spain).
He has taken part in more than forty (40) national and international events (courses, congresses, seminars, colloquia), on life cycle analysis (LCA), environmental evaluation, integral management of residues, cleaner production, and environmental and socioeconomic aspects of the energy, some of them supported by the organizing organisms in diverse national and international institutions (Colombia, Mexico, Ecuador, Peru and Spain). He is author or co-author of more than twenty articles, communications and collective works, related to his speciality.
Currently, he takes part in projects related to the life cycle analysis of energetic chains from biomass, inventory of atmospheric emission, evaluation of impacts. In the LCA area application, he collaborates with different international institutions.
- HIBRI2: Sistema integrado de control para el abastecimiento de energía mediante sistemas híbridos en comunidades aisladas de Cuba. Fase II. 2018/ACDE/000600, funded by AECID (2019-2021).
- ALGATEC-CM:Desarrollo de tecnología avanzadas de microalgas para una economía circular P2018/BAA4532, funded by Community of Madrid (Spain) (2019-2022).
- RETOPROSOST-2-CM: Producción sostenible y simbiosis industrial en la Comunidad de Madrid. P2018/EMT-4459, funded by Community of Madrid (Spain) (2019-2022).
Aguilera-Flores MM, Medellín-Castillo NA, Ávila-Vázquez V, Herrera-Orozco I, Sánchez-Mata O, Pinedo-Torres LA. Environmental impacts estimation by life cycle assessment of bioanodes fabricated from devilfish bone chars and their application in microbial fuel cells to produce bioenergy. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects, 46:1, 4123-4136 (2024).
Rodríguez-Gómez S, Medellín-Castillo NA, Herrera-Orozco I, Ávila-Galarza A, Castro-Larragoitia SA, Aguilera-Flores MM, Ávila-Vázquez V. Life Cycle Assessment of a wastewater treatment plant in an urban area using the environmental footprint method. Environment, Development and Sustainability, Dec 2023 (Published)
Cruz-Reina LJ, Flórez-Rojas JS, Dirceu-López G, Herrera-Orozco I, Carazzone C, Sierra R. Obtention of fatty acids and phenolic compounds from Colombian cashew (Anacardium occidentale) nut shells using pyrolysis: towards a sustainable biodiesel production. Heliyon, July 2023, E18632
Lechón Y, Lago C, Herrera I, Gamarra AR, Pérula A. Carbon benefits of different energy storage alternative end uses. Application to the Spanish case. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 171, January 2023, 112985.
Gamarra AR, Lago C, Herrera I, Lechón Y, Almeida SM, Lage J, Silva F. Low-Carbon Economy in Schools: Environmental Footprint and Associated Externalities of Five Schools in Southwestern Europe. Energies, 2021, 14(19), 6238.
Lizana J, Manteigas V, Chacartegui R, Lage J, Becerra JA, Blondeau P, Rato R, Silva F, Gamarra AR, Herrera I, Gomes M, Fernández A, Berthier C, Gonçalves K, Alexandre JL, Almeida-Silva M, Almeida SM. A methodology to empower citizens towards a low-carbon economy. The potential of schools and sustainability indicators. Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 284, 15 April 2021, 112043.
Herrera I, Valencia G, Duarte J. Exergo-environmental assessment and multi-objective optimization of waste heat recovery systems based on Organic Rankine cycle configurations. Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 28, March 2021, 125679.
Herrera I, Rodríguez-Serrano I, Lechón Y, Oliveira AC, Krüger D, Bouden C. Sustainability assessment of a hybrid CSP/biomass. Results of a prototype plant in Tunisia. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessment, Volume 42, December 2020, 100862.
Herrera I, Rodríguez-Serrano I, Garraín D, Lechón Y, Oliveira AC. Sustainability Assessment of a Novel Micro Solar Thermal – Biomass Heat and Power Plant in Morocco. Journal of Industrial Ecology, Volume 24, Issue 6, December 2020, pp. 1379-1392.
Banacloche S, Herrera I, Lechón Y. Towards energy transition in Tunisia: Sustainability assessment of a hybrid concentrated solar power and biomass plant. Science of Total Environment, 2020, Volume 744, 20 November 2020, 140729.
Garraín D, Herrera I, Rodríguez-Serrano I, Lechón Y, Hepbasli A, Araz M, Biyik E, Yao R, Shahrestani M, Essah M, Shao L, Rico E, Lechón JL, Oliveira AC. Sustainability indicators of a naturally ventilated photovoltaic façade system. Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 266, 1 September 2020, 121946.
Merino I, Herrera I, Valdés H. Environmental Assessment of Energy Scenarios for a Low-Carbon Electrical Network in Chile. Sustainability 2019, 11 (18), 5066.
Solano-Olivares K, Romero RJ, Santoyo E, Herrera I, Galindo-Luna YR, Rodríguez-Martínez A, Santoyo-Castelazo E, Cerezo J. Life cycle assessment of a solar absorption air-conditioning system. Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 240, 10 December 2019, 118206.
Gamarra AR, Herrera I, Lechón Y. Assessing sustainability performance in the educational sector. A high school case study. Science of Total Environment, Volume 692, November 2019, Pages 465-478.
Gamarra AR, Istrate IR, Herrera I, Lago C, Lizana J, Lechón Y. Energy and water consumption and carbon footprint of school buildings in hot climate conditions. Results from life cycle assessment. Journal of Cleaner Production (2018), Volume 195, pp. 1326-1337, ISSN 0959-6526.
Muñoz M, Herrera I, Lechón Y, Caldés N, Iglesias E. Environmental Assessment of Electricity Based on Straight Jatropha Oil on Floreana Island, Ecuador. BioEnergy Research (2018) volume 11, issue 1, pp. 123–138.
García-Gusano D, Garraín D, Herrera I, Cabal H, Lechón Y. Life Cycle Assessment of applying CO2 post-combustion capture to the Spanish cement production. Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 104, 1 October 2015, Pages 328-338.
García-Gusano D, Herrera I, Garraín D, Lechón Y, Cabal H. Life cycle assessment of the Spanish cement production. Implementation of environmental-friendly solutions. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, (2015) 17:59.
Garraín D., Herrera I., Lechón Y., Lago C. Well-to-Tank environmental analysis of a renewable diesel fuel from vegetable oil through co-processing in a hydrotreatment unit. Biomass and Bioenergy, Volume 63, pp. 239-249, April 2014.
Lago C, Herrera I, Caldés N, Lechón Y. Nexus Bioenergy-Bioeconomy - Chapter one. The role of bioenergy in the bioeconomy: resources, technology, sustainability and policy, 2019, pp 3-24.
Rodríguez-Gómez S, Medellín-Castillo NA, Herrera I, Ávila-Galarza A. Análisis del ciclo de vida en una planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales en San Luis Potosí, México. Foro sobre la apropiación social de tecnologías para la gestión sostenible del agua. 28-30 Oct 2020, Matamoros (Mexico).
Lago C, Herrera I, Lechón Y. Aprovechamiento de tierras marginales para la producción de biomasa con Cynara cardunculus. Implicaciones ambientales en cambio climático. Poster at VIII Workshop REMEDIA. “Economía circular como catalizador de la sostenibilidad medioambiental del sector primario español”. 22-23 Sep 2020, Elche (Spain).
Banacloche S, Herrera I, Lechón Y. Towards energy transition: sustainability assessment of a hybrid solar termal – Biomass gasifier power plant in Tunisia, Oral presentation at XV Congreso Asociación Española para la Economía Energética. 29-31 Jan 2020, Toledo (Spain).
Herrera I, Lechón Y. Environmental assessment of electricity from a concentrated solar Power and biomass hybridisation plant in Tunisia. Oral presentation at 14th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES 2019), 1-6 Oct 2019, Dubrovnik (Croatia).
Lago C, Herrera I, Susmozas A, Lechón Y, Manzanares P, Ruíz E. Residuos agro-indutriales del olivar como materia prima para la producción de bio-productos en una biorefinería dentro de la economía circular. Poster at VII Remedia Workshop 'Mitigación de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero en el sector agroforestal', 27-28 Mar 2019, Lugo (Spain).
Franco Rodríguez JM, Ordóñez Noriega LH, Torres Ortega JA, Herrera I. Análisis del ciclo de vida para la producción de biodiesel a partir de aceite de la palma africana. Caso de estudio: BIOD S.A. Poster at III Conferencia Internacional de Biocombustibles, 28 Feb - 1 mar 2019, Medellín (Colombia).
Lago C, Herrera I, Susmozas AI, Lechón Y, Manzanares P, Ruiz E. LCA of a biorefinery based on cascading use of olive pomace residue into the bioeconomy concept. Poster at 4º Congreso Iberoamericano sobre Biorrefinerías (4-CIAB), 24-26 Oct 2018. Jaén (Spain).
Negrete A, Herrera I, Gamarra AR, Lechón Y. Life Cycle Assessment of the electricity production from a concentrated solar Power and biomass hybrid plant in Tunisia, Conference at SETAC Europe 24th LCA Case Study Symposium, 24-26 Sep 2018, Vienna (Austria).
Uruburu L, Herrera I, Gamarra A, Lechón Y. Life cycle analyses of biofuels mix for transport in Spain, an updating. Poster at SETAC Europe 24th LCA Case Study Symposium, 24-26 Sep 2018, Vienna (Austria).
Vargas A, Herrera I, Gamarra A, Lechón Y. Life cycle assessment and external costs of electricity production in Spain. Poster at SETAC Europe 24th LCA Case Study Symposium, 24-26 Sep 2018, Vienna (Austria).
Sánchez-De Castro I, Garraín D, Herrera I, Lechón Y. Application of the Water Footprint Assessment method to compare theoretical and real blue water use in Spanish bioethanol crops. Poster at SETAC Europe 24th LCA Case Study Symposium, 24-26 Sep 2018, Vienna (Austria).
Garraín D, Herrera I, Lechón Y. How cold-in situ-recycling pavement rehabilitation processes could improve circular economy results: Case study of a Spanish road. Poster at SETAC Europe 24th LCA Case Study Symposium, 24-26 Sep 2018, Vienna (Austria).
Garraín D, Cabello S, Herrera I, Lechón Y. Life Cycle Assessment of a new portable hydrogen fuel cell: Preliminary streamlined results. Poster at SETAC Europe 24th LCA Case Study Symposium, 24-26 Sep 2018, Vienna (Austria).
Muñoz M, Caldés N, Iglesias E, Rodríguez-Serrano I, Herrera, I. Social life cycle assessment through the framework Multi-Level Social Life Cycle Assessment (ML-SLCA) of the bioelectricity generation in Floreana Island, Conference at 6th Social LCA conference, 10-12 Sep 2018, Pescara (Italy).
Gamarra AR, Herrera I, Lechón Y. Environmental impact and external costs associated to a student: a case study in a Madrid's high school, Conference at 3rd Southeast European Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 30 Jun - 4 Jul 2018, Novi Sad (Serbia).
Venegas SP, Dominguez ML, Herrera I, Vargas J, Murillo MA, Torres A. Elaboration and characterization of foam for use as hydroponic substrate, Environment Symposium at the XXVII International Materials Research Congress, 19-24 Jun 2018, Cancun (Mexico).
Venegas SP, Herrera I, Dominguez ML. Polyurethane foam-phenolic foam, a comparative life cycle assessment, Environment Symposium at the XXVII International Materials Research Congress, 19-24 Jun 2018, Cancun (Mexico).
Lago C, Herrera I, Lechón Y. Cover crop carbon sequestration potential and associated trade-offs: the olive tree debris as feedstock of a local bio-refinery case study, Poster at 26th Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 14-17 May 2018. Copenhagen (Denmark).
Torres JA, Herrera I, Garraín D, Gamarra AR. Integration of a Colombian bio-refinery from industrial palm oil waste into the circular economy. Poster at 28th SETAC Europe Annual Meeting, 13-17 May 2018, Rome (Italy).
Garraín D, Herrera I, Lechón Y. Critical raw materials in a new building integrated photovoltaic system. Poster at 28th SETAC Europe Annual Meeting, 13-17 May 2018, Rome (Italy).
Istrate IR, Herrera I, Garraín D, Lechón Y. Energy demand and GHG emissions assessment of PV panels recycling processes in Spain, poster in 23rd SETAC Europe LCA Case Studies Symposium, 27-28 Nov 2017, Barcelona (Spain).
Garraín D, Herrera I, De la Rúa C, Caldés N, Rodríguez-Serrano I, Lechón Y. Sustainability issues of a new building integrated PV system, poster at SETAC Europe 27th Annual Meeting, 7-11 May 2017, Brussels (Belgium).
Rodríguez-Serrano I, Herrera I, Garraín D, De la Rúa C, Caldés N, Lechón Y. Sustainability assessment of a hybrid concentrated solar power/biomass mini power plant, poster at SETAC Europe 27th Annual Meeting, 7-11 May 2017, Brussels (Belgium).
Herrera I, De la Rúa C, Caldés N, Rodríguez-Serrano I, Gamarra AR, Lechón Y. Sustainability assessment of biofuels production in Uruguay, poster at SETAC Europe 27th Annual Meeting, 7-11 May 2017, Brussels (Belgium).
Lago C, Ruíz E, Garraín D, Herrera I, Lechón Y. Posibles aprovechamientos de los residuos de la poda del olivar. Implicaciones en la sostenibilidad, poster at III Symposium of the Spanish Network of Life Cycle Assessment (esLCA) ‘Life Cycle Inventory’, Valencia (Spain), 4 Nov 2016.
Blanco MJ, Lago C, Herrera I, Lechón. Fractura hidráulica (Fracking): Conocimiento actual de emisiones y sus implicaciones ambientales. Retos futuros. Colección de documentos CIEMAT, Ed. CIEMAT, ISBN: 978-84-7834-807-7, 2018, Madrid (Spain).
Garraín D, Herrera I, Lago C, Lechón Y, Sáez R. Análisis de ciclo de vida de biocarburantes de aceite vegetal hidrotratado. Colección Documentos CIEMAT, Madrid (Spain), 2011.
Herrera I, Lago C, Lechón Y, Sáez R. Análisis del ciclo de vida de cultivos energéticos en España. Brasica Carinata y Brassica Napus como fuente de biomasa para calor y electricidad. Colección Documentos CIEMAT, Madrid (Spain), 2011.