Finished projects

International Projects



The STRATEGY CCUS project aimed to elaborate strategic plans for CCUS development in Southern and Eastern Europe in the short term (up to 3 years), medium-term (3-10 years), and long-term (more than 10 years). Specific objectives are to develop:

Local CCUS development plans, with local business models, within promising start‐up regions;
Connection plans with transport corridors between local CCUS clusters, and with the North Sea infrastructure, in order to improve performance and reduce costs, thus contributing to build a Europe-wide CCUS infrastructure.



Sistema integrado de control para el abastecimiento de energía mediante sistemas híbridos en comunidades aisladas de Cuba. Fase II. (2019-2021) -2018/ACDE/000600-, funded by AECID (Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo).

The main objective was to assess the application of an innovative solution of a renewable hybrid system for rural electrification in Cuba.



Red Iberoamericana para el tratamiento de efluentes con microalgas (2020-2022) - Funded by CYTED (Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo).




MUSTEC aimed to explore and propose concrete solutions to overcome the various factors that hinder the deployment of concentrated solar power (CSP) projects in Southern Europe capable of supplying renewable electricity on demand to Central and Northern European countries. To do so, the project analyzed the drivers and barriers to CSP deployment and renewable energy (RE) cooperation in Europe, identify future CSP cooperation opportunities and proposed a set of concrete measures to unlock the existing potential. To achieve these objectives, MUSTEC built on the experience and knowledge generated around the cooperation mechanisms and CSP industry developments building on concrete CSP case studies. Thereby we considered the present and future European energy market design and policies as well as the value of CSP at electricity markets and related economic and environmental benefits. In this respect, MUSTEC combined a dedicated, comprehensive and multi-disciplinary analysis of past, present and future CSP cooperation opportunities with a constant engagement and consultation with policy makers and market participants. This was achieved through an intense and continuous stakeholder dialogue and by establishing a tailor-made knowledge sharing Network. The MUSTEC consortium consisted of nine renowned institutions from six European countries and includes many of the most prolific researchers in the European energy policy community, with very long track records of research in European and nationally funded energy policy research projects.

MUSTEC project wss H2020 project, coordinated by CIEMAT, officially started in October 2017 and finished in March 2021.



Competitive SolAr Power Towers - HORIZON 2020 (2015-2020). CAPTure Web Site

The main objective of this project was to significantly reduce costs of concentrated solar power, in order to pave the way for its deserved competitiveness on the power market.The global objective of this project was to increase plant efficiencies and reduce levelised cost of electricity (LCOE) by developing all relevant components that allow implementing an innovative plant configuration. This plant configuration was based on a multi-tower decoupled advanced solar combined cycle approach that not only increases cycle efficiencies but also avoids frequent transients and inefficient partial loads, thus maximizing overall efficiency, reliability as well as dispatchability, all of which are important factors directly related to cost competitiveness on the power market. The ESA Unit of CIEMAT performed the Environmental and socio-economic assessment in WP9.



Development and demonstration of a hybrid CSP-biomass gasification boiler system (2015-2018), collaborative project including EU and MENA region countries funded by the ERA-NET MET program. 

The aim of the project was to develop and demonstrate a new solar - biomass hybridization solution. A biomass gasification boiler was developed and integrated in a CSP prototype. The role of ASE unit of CIEMAT in this project was the estimation of the environmental and socioeconomic impacts of the studied prototype.  




ClimACT project aimed to support the transition to a low carbon economy in schools and had four main lines of action:

  • Develop decision support tools, to assess and identify sustainable solutions for schools, based on intelligent resource management, renewable energy and behavior change.
  • Generate new business models and new management strategies for schools.
  • Create educational tools to raise awareness in low-carbon, assisted by information and communication technologies.
  • Establish a thematic network in the SUDOE region, driven by a Living Lab methodology, to raise awareness and training and will foster a communication framework between end-users and stakeholders.



Supporting PUBLic Authorities for Implementing ENergy EFficiency Policies (2016-2019)Horizon 2020 . PUBLENEF Web Site

The overall objective of PUBLENEF was to assist Member States (MS) in implementing effective and efficient sustainable energy policies (with the focus on energy efficiency (EE)) and empower them to make use of the best practices and policy processes implemented in other MS at the national, regional and/or local level. The objectives of PUBLENEF were divided into specific ones (that will be achieved during the action and their impacts can be monitored within the project) and strategic ones that aim to achieve longer run sustainable energy/energy efficiency goals with capacity building.



REnewable ELectricity COOPeration. EU/FP7 project. (2013-2018) REELCOOP Web Page

To develop renewable electricity generation technologies and promoting cooperation between EU Partner Countries and Mediterranean Partner Countries.

The project aimed at develop, construct, test and demonstrate 3 different renewable electricity systems: a building integrated PV system (ventilated façade), a hybrid (solar/biomass) micro-cogeneration ORC system, and a hybrid concentrating solar / biomass mini-power plant.


EERA e3s

Economic, environmental and social impacts of energy policies and technologies (e3s). European Energy Research Alliance e3s webpage.

Europe has adopted more ambitious energy policy objectives to achieve a low carbon scenario by 2050. The changes in energy policy reflect a re-orientation away from specific technological solutions and markets towards system transformation. This reorientation recognises that technological solutions alone are likely to be insufficient to address the grand challenges in energy and that enhanced policy advice is necessary to understand the complex interaction of a variety of socio-technical elements, such as consumer behaviour and acceptance, markets and technologies.


EERA bioEnergy

European Energy Research AllianceEERA Bioenergy Web Page

The overall objective of EERA Bioenergy was to:

  • Align pre-competitive research activities at EERA member institutes to give a scientific basis to continue developing next generation biofuels
  • Explore the possibilities for joint technology development



EU LIFE Programme. LIFE+RESPIRA Web Page (2014-2017)

Life+Respira is a project aimed at showing that through the use of new technologies, along with urban planning and management, like promoting sustainable mobility and bicycle use, it is possible to improve air quality and reduce air pollution.

The project has the added benefits included in socially implying members of the community; some of the actions will be based on the help provided by a team of volunteer cyclists. This way citizens will become the driving force and main beneficiaries of the results.

All the steps proposed in the project are directly related to the improvement of air quality, urban environment and health.


SES 2017

Socio Economic Studies. Power Plant Physics & Technology projects. EUROfusion (2014-2017). SES Web Page

In order to get deeper knowledge on how this new form of energy generation can be integrated in society, Socio-Economic Research on Fusion has been performed since 1996 (SERF) , in which the expertise of researchers in the physical sciences, engineering and economic, social and environmental sciences is brought together.

The economic part of the studies aim at analysing energy systems, energy markets and technology, studying the dynamics of technological development, and its implications for fusion (dependence of production costs on plant engineering, learning and experience, internalisation of externalities, development of the demands, regulations and policies), and preparing, possibly together with stakeholders of other energy options, fusion relevant sustainable energy scenarios with models that incorporate the 4 E's: economy, engineering, energy, and environment.



Logistics for Energy Crops Biomass. EC FP7. 2012-2016. LogistEC Web Page

The LogistEC project supported by FP7 aims to develop new or improved technologies of the biomass logistics chains. Cost-efficient, environmental-friendly and socially sustainable biomass supply chains are needed to achieve the 2020 EU RES targets that might be impeded by the potential scarcity of lignocellulosic biomass from agriculture. The project covers all types of lignocellulosic crops: annual and multi-annual crops, perennial grasses, and short-rotation coppice.

The project focuses on improvement of all biomass value chain components and assesses the sustainability in terms of environmental, economic and social impacts. Innovative techniques for crop management, biomass harvesting, storage and transport provide a possibility to increase biomass supply whilst keeping costs down and minimizing adverse environmental impacts.



Carbon footprint assessment and socioeconomic impact analysis of the production of biodiesel and bioethanol from cereals in Uruguay (2015-2017)

The objective of this work is to perform a Life Cycle Assessment of the biodiesel production from oil seeds and fats and used oils as well as bioethanol production from cereals in Uruguay with an special focus on GHG emissions and energy consumption. Additionally an estimation of the socioeconomic impacts associated in terms of job creation and effects on the overall economy has been also performed. In this project, preliminary estimations of the externalities associated to the environmental and socioeconomic benefits will also be performed.

The analysis is based in the production processes of the biodiesel and bioethanol plants property of the company Alcoholes del Uruguay (ALUR)


Carbon footprint assessment and socioeconomic impact analysis of the production of bioethanol from sugar cane in Uruguay, 2015

The objective of this work is to perform a Life Cycle Assessment of the bioethanol production chain in Uruguay with an special focus on GHG emissions and energy consumption. Additionally an estimation of the socioeconomic impacts associated in terms of job creation and effects on the overall economy has been also performed. The analysis is based in the production processes of the bioethanol plant of Bella Union property of the company Alcoholes del Uruguay (ALUR)



Bringing Europe and Third countries closer together through renewable Energies, EC-Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) Programme. 2012-2015. Better Web Page

BETTER addressed RES cooperation between the EU and third countries in several dimensions. The starting point was given through the cooperation mechanisms provided by the RES Directive, allowing Member States to achieve their 2020 RES targets in a more cost efficient way, and thereby including the possibility to cooperate with third countries. Thus, BETTER assessed, through case studies, stakeholders involvement and integrated analysis, to what extent cooperation with third countries can help Europe achieve its RES targets in 2020 and beyond, trigger the deployment of RES electricity projects in third countries and create synergies and win-win circumstances for all involved parties.

The case studies focusing on North Africa, the Western Balkans and Turkey investigated in detail the technical, socio-economic and environmental aspects of RES cooperation. Complementary to these bottom-up analyses, an integrated assessment was undertaken from the EU plus third countries perspective, including a detailed quantitative cost-benefit evaluation of feasible policy approaches, as well as strategic power system analyses. Moreover, co-effects, such as, impacts on the achievement of EU climate targets, energy security and macro-economic aspects was analysed. The final outcome is a fine-tailored policy package, offering a concise representation of key outcomes, guidelines for practical implementation of RES cooperation and actions plans reflecting regional specifics.



Cost-efficient and sustainable deployment of renewable energy sources towards the EU 20% target by 2020, and beyond. EC-Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) Programme. 2011-2012. Press release

To develop a strategy to improve the sustainable production of renewable energies in Europe at minimum cost, identifying and implementing cooperation mechanisms among the surplus countries. To recommend a roadmap to the cost-effective development of renewable energy to 2020 and 2030. Press release



Integrated infrastructure for CO2 transport and storage in the West MediTerranean. EC-FP VII. 2010-2012. Web page

Objective: To identify and assess the most cost effective infrastructure(s) of CO2 transport and Geologic Storage that will be able to serve the West Mediterranean area: Spain, Portugal and Morocco.



EFDA-TIMES model. Euratom-Fusion Programme. 2012.

The objectives this year are to review the long term global energy scenarios published by international organisations such as IEA, IIASA, etc. After the revision, some scenarios will be implemented with the EFDA Times model (ETM) and the results will be analysed. The same assumptions will be taken to run those scenarios with the ETSAP-TIAM global energy model to compare the results with those from ETM, with special focus on the electricity production. Finally, an analysis on the potential competence between nuclear fusion and renewable technologies in a low carbon global energy system will be carry out. 



Analysis of the energy data in the European Life Cycle Database. Contract with the EC JRC's Institute for Environment and Sustainability (2012).

To analyse the quality of the energy data currently available in the European Life Cycle Database (ELCD). 



Life Cycle Analysis of fossil fuels and biofuels of ECOPETROL (Colombia). Technical assistance. 2010-2011



EFDA-TIMES model. Euratom-Fision Programme. 2011



Harmonised biofuel GHG emissions calculations in Europe. EC-Intelligent Energy-Europe (IEE) Programme. 2010-2012. Web page



Analysing Transition Planning and Systematic Energy Planning Tools for the Implementation of the Energy Technology Information System. EC-FP VII. 2009-2012. Web page



Risk of Energy Availability Common Corridors for Europe Supply Security. EC-FP VII. 2008-2010. Web page



EFDA-TIMES model. Euratom-Fision Programme. 2010



Deployment of innovative low power fuel cell vehicle fleets to initiate an early market for Hydrogen as an alternative fuel in Europe. EC-FPVI. 2006-2011. Web page



Effective and low-disturbing biofuel policies. EC-Intelligent Energy-Europe (IEE) Programme. 2007- 2010. Press release. Web page.



EFDA-TIMES model. Euratom-Fision Programme. 2008-2009



Wind Energy- The facts. EC-Intelligent Energy-Europe (IEE) Programme. 2007-2009.



Monitoring and Evaluation of the RES directives implementation in EU27 and policy recommendations for 2020. EC-Intelligent Energy-Europe (IEE) Programme. 2006-2009. Web page 



New Energy Externalities Developments for Sustainability. FP VI. 2004-2008. Web page



Promotion of biofuels for sustainable development in South and South-East Asia. Asian Pro Eco Programme/CE. 2005-2008.  Web page



CDM and Urban Pollution: Partnerships enhancing synergies in Urban Air and Health in Kyoto Mechanisms. FP VI. 2006-2008. Web page



Costs assessment for sustainable energy systems. FP VI. 2006-2008. Web page



EFDA-TIMES model: Resources potentials update. Euratom-Fusion Programme. 2007



Fusion in the global energy system. SERF Programme (EFDA/EURATOM). 2005-2006. 



Big scale demonstration of energy crop utilization for electricity generation. FP V. 2003-2006.



Assessment of the externalities of biomass energy for electricity production. APAS Programme. 1995-1996.

National Projects


GONDOLA: Gas desulfurization based on recycled materials, ref. PDC2021-120799-I00, (Dec 2021 - Nov 2023) funded by Spanish Call Proof of Concept, 2021, State Program of R+D+i oriented to the Challenges of Society, State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2017-2020.

GONDOLA was the follow-up project to ECOSGAS, Removal of Sulfur Organic Compounds from gasification gases by reactive adsorption (ENE2016-75811-R). Main achievements of the previous project are:

  • Successful formulation and preparation of desulfurization sorbents from Zn-Mn binary metal oxides, recovered from the waste powder of recycled batteries and ZnO-NiO-graphene.
  • Extraordinary desulfurization capacity at warm temperatures, 300-500ºC, for integration in thermochemical conversion processes.
  • Development of diagnostics, on-site sampling, and online and offline analysis methodologies Conceptual design for a continuous desulfurization process, consisting of sulfidation and regeneration stages.

Building upon those results, the aim of GONDOLA was to prove that the sorbents developed from recovered materials and the conceptual continuous system proposed for the desulfurization of gases are technically and economically feasible, sustainable, and can be deployed at a meaningful scale.



ELHYPORT: Hydrogen fuel cells with advanced membrane-electrode assemblies for their integration in low-power and portable applications (2020-2024), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.

ELHYPORT was an integral approach to the development and use of hydrogen fuel cells in real applications, tackling new materials, electrocatalysis, components, devices, and systems. The specific objectives were:

  • Porous layers for better transport of water and gases in gas diffusion electrodes.
  • Integrated collector-gas diffusion electrode structures.
  • New fuel cell designs with increased portability.
  • Development of intelligent electronics as an Energy Management System.
  • Integration of hydrogen fuel cells in low-power and portable applications.
  • Life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA) of the hydrogen fuel cell system.



Bornizo para la Bioeconomía - Herramientas de gestión forestal y evaluación ambiental para su valorización - (2018-2021) (Código de Proyecto: RTI 2018 - 094413-R-C21), funded by Ministero de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades a través del Programa Estatal de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad, en el marco del Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2017-2020 en la convocatoria de 2018.

El objetivo principal del proyecto era promover la producción de corcho en alcornocales jóvenes para prevenir el abandono de los alcornocales procedentes de las forestaciones de la PAC, desarrollando, para ello, herramientas que faciliten su puesta en producción y teniendo en cuenta los impactos ambientales durante todo el proceso. Este objetivo principal se llevó a cabo mediante un enfoque multidisciplinar que se abordará desde tres puntos de vista: la gestión forestal, la caracterización tecnológica del bornizo y la evaluación ambiental. 



Producción sostenible y simbiosis industrial en la Comunidad de Madrid (RETO-PROSOST-2-CM, P2018/EMT4459 (2019-2022), funded by Community of Madrid.

RETOPROSOST-2-CM intended to contribute in a significant and visible way to promote sustainable production and industrial symbiosis relations between companies in the productive sector in the Community of Madrid. This initiative aimed to become a benchmark project at a national level that will serve to increase the social visibility of circular economy initiatives. The ultimate objective of the proposed program was to change the paradigm of goods and energy production from the predominant model of the linear flow of materials and energy to another involving a circular economy approach through the implementation of industrial symbioses that promote the interconnection of materials supplies between companies so that the effluents and residues generated by some entity become secondary raw materials for others.

The most relevant results to be achieved were: 1) Transformation of waste from the food industry into bioplastics through chemical and biotechnological routes for packaging and textile uses; 2) production of nanocellulose derivatives for the formulation of new composites and use as flocculants in water treatment; 3) production of prebiotic amendments and sustainable biofertilizers for crops; 4) production of enzymatic biodispersants for industrial use; 5) production of biofuels; 6) optimization of water systems and energy generation of companies; 7) Improvement of the image of the Community of Madrid as a focus of innovation in Spain and as a sustainable region and 8) Attraction and retention of talented researchers.



Desarrollo de tecnología avanzadas de microalgas para una economía circular (2019-2022), funded by Community of Madrid (Spain) [Ayudas para la realización de Programas de Actividades de I+D entre Grupos de Investigación de la Comunidad de Madrid en Tecnologías, cofinanciado con el Fondo Social Europeo y Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (Ref: S2018/BAA-4532)].

El programa ALGATEC constituyó una oportunidad tecnológica única y pionera en la CAM para el desarrollo del concepto de biorrefinería de microalgas dentro de los postulados de la economía circular. El debate causado por el uso de cultivos agroalimentarios para obtención de energía ha dirigido la búsqueda hacia nuevas alternativas sostenibles que eviten los efectos no deseados de esa competencia alimento energía. Como resultado, se han propuesto los biocombustibles de tercera generación, entre los que las microalgas se encuentran en un lugar destacado, ya que presentan rendimientos por hectárea muy elevados, son renovables, sostenibles, no contaminantes y contribuyen a reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. Sin embargo, las microalgas presentan barreras técnicas y económicas que no permiten su completo desarrollo industrial. La viabilidad económica de las microalgas pasa por acoplar la producción de biocombustibles con la obtención de productos de alto valor añadido. Por otra parte, desde el punto de vista científico y técnico, es preciso desarrollar conocimiento y herramientas de mejora de especies susceptibles de uso industrial, así como desarrollar y optimizar nuevos procesos tanto para extraer productos de alto valor como para valorizar la biomasa residual para la obtención de biocombustibles.

En ALGATEC, se propuso la valorización energética mediante el desarrollo de procesos tales como la licuefacción hidrotérmica, para la obtención de un bioaceite con propiedades similares al gasóleo y la biometanización para la obtención de biogás. El análisis de sistemas aplicado a todo el proceso permitió determinar la viabilidad, a escala industrial, de los procesos desarrollados considerando todo tipo de parámetros socioeconómicos y ambientales aplicando las metodologías del análisis del ciclo de vida.





SOSTENIBILIDAD DEL FIN DE VIDA DE PANELES FOTOVOLTAICOS Y SUS ÍNDICES DE CIRCULARIDAD (Sustainability of End-of-Life of PV panels and their circularity indexes) (2019-2020), funded by Fundación Iberdrola (Spain).

The main objective was to analyze, from a sustainability approach, different strategies for the management of photovoltaic panels at the end of the useful life. This analysis was detailed considering the three pillars of sustainability and will be carried out through the application of quantitative methods that will allow developing strategies to move towards a circular economy.



Advanced and Sustainable Developments for Efficient Road Pavement Rehabilitation Techniques (2015-2020)funded by the program CIEN of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness - REPARA 2.0 Web Site

Repara 2.0 project was aimed to develop new technologies and methodologies to support roads asset management making feasible the preservation and maintenance of any type of road pavements with a lower economic and environmental impact, improving their resilience to climate change. CIEMAT cooperated with the company SOLID FOREST in the evaluation of the environmental consequences of the implementation of these new technologies using Life Cycle Assessment methodology. 




E-LIG-E aimed to demonstrate the use of a portable fuel cell in the range of 1W to 100W of power based on stored hydrogen. The activities included the development of a high-density, ultra-lightweight polymer cell (PEM type) with a new concept in electrode design. It was also integrated in a portable application that will serve as demonstrator of the operation of the battery.

A full Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and a socio-economic impact assessment was carried out, which will allow to know the viability of the initial manufacturing and commercialization within the framework of competition with technologies available for portable electricity production.

The project was funded by the Spanish R+I program and was coordinated by the Fuel Cells Unit of CIEMAT. The ASE Unit of CIEMAT was responsible for the LCA and socioeconomic impact assessment.



Design and optimization of a sustainable biorefinery based on residues from olive crop and oil industry: technoeconomic and environmental analysis (2015-2018), funded by the Spanish National R+D +i

The project considers the integration of all residues generated around olive tree crop and oil industry in a flexible and multi-product biorefinery, with bioethanol as main product. This approach would allow improving residues management, reducing environmental impact and contributing to the economic viability of bioethanol production process.

The ASE Unit of CIEMAT will perform the sustainability analysis of the use of olive residues as feedstocks for bioethanol and bioproducts using life cycle analysis (LCA) methodology. It will contribute to design the multi-product biorefinery taking into account both environmental and economic criteria and contribute to the challenge of providing clean (low carbon), safe (native and renewable as alternative to fossil fuels) and efficient (in the use of resources and conversion processes) energy sources. 



Scientific advice in the research work "Characterisation of the Water-Energy-Land nexus in Spain and Europe"commissioned by Fundación Canal. 

The objective of this work was to characterize the WEL nexus in Spain and Europe with a special focus on the energy and agricultural sector in Spain. CIEMAT will perform an assessment of the environmental implications of the energy production in Spain considering different energy scenarios of the evolution of the energy sector until 2030. Additionally, and in cooperation with the Polytechnic University of Madrid, an assessment of the environmental implications of agricultural sector in Spain will also be performed. 



Development of the centralised commercial production of electricity from energy crops. Spanish R+D+i Plan (2011-2014), programme INNPACTO.

To carry out the Life Cycle Analysis and Economic Analysis of energy crops in different homogeneous agroenergy areas in Spain. 


Criterios de sostenibilidad de biocarburantes

Incorporation of European Union sustainability criteria to the Life Cycle Analysis of alternative crops. Technical support to the Spanish Environment Ministry (MMARM). 2010-2014

To provide technical support to the Executive Management of Air Quality and Atmosphere Protection of the Environment Ministry (MAGRAMA) to keep specific research projects and participate in national and international actions related to the evolution of the European Union sustainability criteria and other specification of the alternative fuels for transport as well as their socioeconomic consequences.



Study of the social, economic and environmental net impact of the promotion of renewable energies in the Spanish energy system. Spanish R+D+i Plan (2008-2011), programme Proyectos de Investigación Fundamental. 2011-2013

To valuate, in economic terms, the socioeconomic and environmental net impacts of the implementation of renewable energies in the Spanish energy system under different scenarios. 



Development, demonstration and determination of the viability of energy production from energy crops in Spain. Subproject 9: Economic and environmental valuation of the crops energy chains. Spanish R+D+i Plan. 2006-2012

To develop the energy production from energy crops in Spain to reach a pre commercial scale and the dissemination to the involved sectors. 

The Energy Systems Analysis Unit coordinated Subproject 9, whose objective is to analyse and valuate the environmental impacts of the energy chains of the main energy crops using the Life Cycle Analysis methodology. In addition, the economic valuation of the production and transformation of energy crops to produce heat, electricity and biofuels has also been performed.  



Improvements in the development of the harmonised tool CALCUGEI for the estimation of Greenhouse gas emissions from biofuels in Spain. Contract with IDAE 2012-2013

To improve the design and development of the harmonised tool CALCUGEI for the estimation of Greenhouse gas emissions from biofuels in Spain and to include data, by agriculture region, for two new crops, corn and beetroot.   


Co-procesamiento (co-processing)

Vegetables oil in hydrotreating units of refinaries to produce biofuels (Aceites vegetales en unidades de refino para la producción de biocarburantes), Subprograma de Proyectos Singulares y Estratégicos MICINN. 2009-2010



GHG balance of Spanish biofuels (Evaluación del balance de gases de efecto invernadero de los biocarburantes producidos en España). In cooperation with ETSIA (UPM). 2009-2010



Sink effect of the cultivation of thistle for energy purposes. Avoided emissions of solid and liquid fuels (Efecto sumidero del cultivo del cardo para fines energéticos. Emisiones evitadas de combustibles sólidos y líquidos). Programa Nacional de Recursos y Tecnologías Agroalimentarias (INIA). 2007-2010


Externalidades de la biomasa (biomass externalities)

Externalitie - LCA of cardhum for energy (Análisis de Ciclo de Vida de la producción energética del cardo), Agreement with IFAPA. 2008-2009.



Optimization of the wind energy prediction for its integration in the electric management system: a global development unifying the wind prediction and the behavior of the wind system (Optimización de la predicción de energía eólica para su integración en el sistema de gestión eléctrica: un desarrollo global unificando la predicción del viento y del comportamiento del sistema eólico). Subproject 7: Estudio económico. Spanish R+D+I Plan. 2006-2009.


Evaluación medioambiental (Environmental assessment)

To improve biofuel quality for transportation (Para mejora de la calidad de los combustibles para el transporte) Agreement with the Environment Ministry. 2005-2008



LCA of the production of electrical energy from biomass, natural gas and mixed system (ACV de la producción de energía eléctrica a partir de biomasa, gas natural y sistema mixto). Spanish R+D+I Plan. 2006-2007


Impactos socioeconómicos y medioambientales (Socio-economic and enviromental impacts)

Solar thermal electricity production in Sapain (producción de electricidad termosolar en España). CIEMAT Project 2005-2006.


Análisis del Ciclo de Vida (LCA biofuels I)

ACV de Combustibles Alternativos para el Transporte - Fase I. Agreement with the Environment Ministry (MMA). 2003-2005. ACV comparativo del bioetanol de cereales y de la gasolina.


Análisis del Ciclo de Vida (LCA biofuels II)

ACV de Combustibles Alternativos para el Transporte. Fase II. Agreement with the Environment Ministry (MMA). 2003-2005.  ACV comparativo del biodiésel y del diésel.


Determinación de medidas óptimas (optimal mesaures)

Measures for the reduction of emissions produced by urban and industrial air pollution (Medidas para la reducción de las emisiones producidas por la contaminación atmosférica urbana e industrial). CICYT Spanish R+D+I Plan.1999-2001.


Evaluación de las externalidades (Externalities)

Enviromental externalities of electricity system (Exrternalidades medioambientales producidas por las actividades del sistema eléctrico). Agreement with CNE. 1997-1998.